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Sacrament of Confirmation


Nowadays, most of us do not give much importance to the sacraments. And so I am excited to share with you my joy, reverence, and enthusiasm receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Look at me in the picture. Indeed, I made myself beautiful as if it’s my wedding day. Haha! Why not wear a beautiful dress in front of God?

I was very touched how Father Steban shared his thoughts about the Sacrament of Confirmation. He said that it’s more than an occasion. It’s also more than our school graduation. Oh, why? Because that very day, you will face Him at the altar and be anointed, confirming that you are God’s daughter. Father! How can I grasp that idea? Why can’t I? Because “it’s more than physical, it’s heavenly.’’ Okay, I still don’t understand. Can I just say it’s more than physical? It’s magical! At least, I can imagine it through the movies that I watch. Please forgive me, Father!

Anyway, I may not understand fully what I was doing at that very moment, but what is clear to me is that my Heavenly Father loves me, that he wants to welcome me, and I am sure that I want to be close to Him. My brain can’t imagine or understand, but my heart does.

In preparation for my confirmation, we had a catechism. This is what I received, and I would gladly share it with you. “The Holy Spirit bestows seven gifts—wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord—to assist us in our mission. The power of these gifts accompanies us in the various stages of our spiritual development. The Sacrament of Confirmation helps a person remain faithful to his or her baptismal commitment to witness to Christ and to serve others. And so, we can frequently call upon the Holy Spirit to utilize the gifts He's given us in the sacrament (Is. 11:1-2) and ask Him to grow the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal.5:22-23).”

You see, how great it is to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation! But if you know me well, you would really be surprised why Grace is sharing this kind of stuff. Well, it’s okay. I understand. Please be free to feel that way. It’s okay that you will feel weird about this blog. But please, let me explain.

Why am I so passionate sharing this with you? Actually, when I was second year in high school, I was supposed to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is part of the apostolate of the Scholarship of St. John. Unfortunately, I arrived late at the church. It was also sad because I wasn’t able to find a “ninang” or sponsor, and I didn’t have a white dress. I really wanted to borrow from others, but they didn’t have one to spare for me. So I wore the usual white t-shirt and skirt. And of course, just like others, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know yet the meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation. All I know that time, it was a requirement, and I should be there. I was actually very sad that day. I saw my other co-scholars being confirmed, and they all had their “ninang.” I was outside looking at them with a lonely face. So I went home alone.

And now, let me rejoice.

On the 9th of July 2022, I was officially confirmed at the St. John Priory. From what had happened, I would say Jesus wanted me to be happy on the day of my confirmation. He had me wear a long white dress given by Ate Em, which I didn’t expect to receive. In my mind that day, I said to Jesus, Really? I should receive a dress from a consecrated person? Why have you given me this beautiful dress? Is this what you want me to wear? People would laugh at me when they see me wearing this in my confirmation. But deep in my heart, it’s telling me, “I should wear this because God would be happy seeing me beautiful in front of Him, saying Yes to Him.”

Oopps! I’m not yet finished. As you can see, I have a ninang with me. How amazing it is! I really chose her not just because I know her. But because I know this woman has a good heart, a woman with so much love for Christ. She has been an inspiration to me to serve God with gladness. What’s amazing about her is she always prays. And for sure, she’s going to pray for me. Choose your ninang wisely. 😊

I took this picture when she was praying inside the chapel. She didn’t know that I took a picture of her. This very day, I was thinking of who should I ask to be my ninang. She eventually said yes!

For now, while we are here, Jesus wants to give us a foretaste of what is to come. Sacraments are literal opportunities to participate in the divine life in our physical bodies while we exist in this physical world, here on Earth.

I was reminded again that in this world, I have a soul with a body. May I ask you to read it again, “I have a soul with a body.”

Finally, I would like to end this with some verses from the Bible:

Acts 8:14-17 “The people of Samaria were baptized in Christ, but did not receive the fullness of the Spirit until they were confirmed by the elders. Confirmation is a sacrament that Jesus Christ instituted within His Catholic Church to further strengthen those who have reached adulthood.”

John 6:27 “Jesus says the Father has set His seal on Him. As the Father sets His seal on Jesus, so Jesus sets His seal on us on the sacrament of baptism, and later, in the sacrament of confirmation.”

Let us keep the flame of faith alive through prayer and the sacraments. Let us make sure we do not forget God!

Written by Mary Grace Villarma. Grace has just finished her term as a fulltime missionary in 2021-2022.

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