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Is It Time?


I was just reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens when I encountered this fantastic guide on when is the exact time to have sex. I just enjoyed reading this one, and I want to share this with you.

Do you really think you’re ready to go all the way? Are you sure? Think about the possibility of sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancy, emotional doubts, and more! All good reasons to wait. But before you go too far, let’s take a

look at the following list or make up your own:


You think sex equals love.

You feel pressured.

You’re afraid to say “NO!” and mean it!

It’s easier to give in.

You think everyone else is doing it! THEY ARE NOT!

Your gut feelings and instincts tell you not to.

You don’t really know all the facts about pregnancy.

You think a woman can get pregnant the first time. REALLY SHE CAN!

It goes against your moral or religious beliefs.

You will live to regret it the next morning.

You feel embarrassed or ashamed.

You can’t support a child or yourself.

Your idea of commitment is a three-day DVD rental.

You believe sex before marriage is wrong.

You don’t want to get HIV…the virus that causes AIDS!

You might contract a sexual transmitted infection…also called STDs.

You think it will make your partner love you.

You hope it will change your life for the better.

You’re not ready for the relationship to change.

You’re drunk.

You wish you were drunk.

Your partner is drunk.

You expect it to be perfect.

You’ll just die if it’s not perfect.

You can’t laugh together about awkward elbows and clumsy clothes.

You’re not ready to take off your clothes.

You think HIV and AIDS only happen to other people.

You think you can tell who has HIV by looking at them.

You don’t think teens get HIV. (They do.)

You don’t know that abstinence is the only 100% protection against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.

You haven’t talked about tomorrow.

You can’t face the thought of tomorrow.

You’d be horrified if your parents found out.

You’re doing it just so your parents will find out.

You’re too scared to think clearly.

You think it will make you more popular.

You think you “owe it” to your partner.

You think it’s not OKAY to be a virgin.

You’re only thinking about yourself.

You’re not thinking about yourself.

You can’t wait to tell everyone about it.

You hope no one will hear about it.

You really wish the whole thing had never come up.

The list you’ve read above may be funny but all true. Some of us grew up without guidance, most especially on the topic of sex. We still don’t quite understand its meaning and purpose and the right time to do it. In Pure Heart Philippines, we’ve been going on missions to spread the good news about our bodies and sexuality, thanks to the teachings of St. John Paul II, the Theology of the Body.

If you have attended one of our sessions, then most probably you’ve heard about babies and bonding, and the 4Fs: free, full, faithful, fruitful. If you have so many questions and you feel ashamed in asking someone close to you, you can definitely reach out to us. We’ll be delighted to talk to you. You can also visit our website to check the resources available for you. As St. John Paul II said, “Be not afraid!” In the midst of confusion, let us help one another to be more enlightened and strengthened in our desire to love in an authentic way.

Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us!

Written by Angelo James Biatingo. Angelo has been serving with Pure Heart since 2014.

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